Evo 3 bodykits

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Terve pojat! ;D
Asun routsisa ja ymäärän soumen kieli (asun Ylitornion/Tornion lähelä) mutta mulla on aika vaikea jos se tulle kirjoittamaan... :-\
Niin mä puhun teile englantia.

The reason im contacting you is because a guy from finland posted a post at the Swedish Mitsubishi club about an EvoIII bonnet. He mentioned that there in Finland you have a company that makes bodykits to the Lancer, front, sideskirts ect. The best part was the prices, 100 Euros for sideskirts?!

Do you know anything about this company and where i can find them? If i make an order the shipment cost wont be much since i can send the parts to my grandmother who lives in Finland.

Auttaa minua! ;D

// Patrik
Actually, this bodykit is available finnish registered clubmembers only, so we can't give you more information about it. Sorry.
Kirjoittanut: GSR  Lähetetty: Eilen kello 20:12:09 
Actually, this bodykit is available finnish registered clubmembers only, so we can't give you more information about it. Sorry. 
Lyhyesti ja ytimekkäästi.... ??? ???
Tällä tavallahan varmaan saadaan yhteistyö alkuun ulkomaillekin päin :( :-[ >:(

The bodykit IS available for anybody who want's it, except the wing.
The company does only the front bumper, sideskirts and the "skirts" to rear bumper...

Prices that you've heard are for members for MCF, still the real prices aren't too much either :peukku

Du kan kontakta mig på er egen forum (mitsuclubsweden) med samma namn som jag använder här, alltså,  Jani T  :)
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